Phaino Records

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Behind the scenes // am 12.02.2009


a lot of time has passed since the last blog entry and the second Phaino Records release is still some way off - reason enough to give you some insights behind the scenes.

Unfortunatly, we had extreme problems with our distribution partner. Despite our contract and written agreement, they ignored our entire planning and still didn't deliver our releases completely.

This is simply bad, which is why we changed our distribution partner and are now working together with really capable people. Due to the poor communication with our old distribution partner, the transition period took longer than expected, but everything should be done soon!

I don't want to promise you any specific dates at this point, but we will release PHR001 and PHR002 in all major download stores as soon as possible.

Previews of the upcoming releases (including a Progressive House Release and a Dubstep/IDM EP) will follow!


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